A well-designed logo takes into consideration the durability, functionality, and how "sticky" it is in the minds of the consumers. When we talk about "stickiness," we reference how well it can bridge the gap between the product and service the company offers in relation to their brand identity. The company logo is at the forefront of this influence.
All of us have experienced the impact of effective design. As we slowly walk the isles of our local supermarket, a world of typography, color, and imagery greets our senses with an inviting smile that packs tremendous force. Unaware of this power, we walk along without realizing the vast scope and impact of what is going on between the isles. The emotional connections and triggers that are unfolding are actually competing for our attention. This hold on us is actually strategically creating a desire for us to not only fall in love with a product, but ultimately keep us coming back for more. This battle for our attention starts in the design rooms of agencies and studios across the world. This is what Branding Design does to consumers. Great Design analyzes trends, colors, and the impact of typography on attracting and retaining consumer desire. Simple or complex? Colorful or Black and white? Large Imagery or Small? All these questions pose a mystery that Designers over decades have been trying to unlock. What is the magic formula to attract buyers and grow sales? They answer lies somewhere between the analysis of buyer predictability and the effects of color, words, and imagery on human senses. When all the data is collectively analyzed, the design team begins the journey of putting all the pieces together into an attractive and sustainable design. At this stage, the experience of the team and knowledge of the product aims to target a packaging that brings to light the best possible attributes of the product to the consumer. It also aims to exceed it, and bring the product to new levels of interest through desire and attraction. The consumer needs to connect with it. This happens through strategic colors, imagery, and typography. Yes, as we all know, there is a battle between products as consumers feast their eyes upon isles of packages deciding which of them stands out. Of course there are many other factors that entice consumers to buy, such as ingredients, safety, and durability. But it is the packaging that has an immediate impression that starts the buying process in motion. As a product owner, you don't want to be hidden behind less than stellar packaging design. The next time your out shopping, check out the packaging design. Be aware of its design. Many of us become so engaged in the curiosity of a new product and seek out the confidence to buy into it, that we don't realize the power of packaging design and its effect on our senses and eyes. It can really make the difference in the buyers experience. We are aware we connect with the product and love it, but subconsciously many factors are at play that started that love affair in the first place. Try analyzing what lured you into a product. Was it research before shopping? Did the packaging drive home your confidence even more? Did the design reinforce your desire and connection? Think about this next time out. Behind every product there is a team of designers working hard to help companies and owners win your attention. Blog entry by Justin Jenkins Designs Featured image: Caffizio Coffee Packaging Design Designed by: Justin Jenkins Designs justinjenkinsdesigns.net