One Page Website Design for MIC QUADE, LLC. by Justin Jenkins Designs. A "snapshot" of the Voiceover Company that is bold, creative, unique, and stands out. Better yet, its simple to navigate and focuses on the business mission.
A One Page Website? Why? How?
I know what you're thinking as you read this. How can I put all my information on one page? I run a business and need multiple pages to make it work! A lot of web pages is good, right? I just don't see a one page website being enough and won't that hurt my traffic and ranking on google and yahoo?
Ok, we listened. We hear you. But, not so fast.
Let us explain the amazing benefits and why having a one page site can actually increase sales and keep people coming back!
I have been building sites for decades, and started on AOL building sites for clients! We have come a long way since then, and believe it or not, I've seen remarkable trends over the years from:
A. C luttered link trees;
B . Large amounts of web pages (again, was trendy for search engine rankings);
C. Lots of text and links (internal and external) for search engine formulas;
D. Backlinks with PR 7 or higher
E. Large Graphics & Video
Fast forward to 2020. We see trends toward video, large beautiful HD pictures, less text or reading, more streamlined balance between creative fonts and visuals, and a responsive need that has to respect mobile and tablet use.
For me, these trends all point to something inescapable. The need for a super creative but not overly complex gateway to your idea, company, product, or service. Beautification of a website?! YES. Those who have creative websites that are organized, simple, yet convey a straightforward and focused message to visitors will win the day. Not only win, but keep them coming back through fresh updates, bold changes, and a fun creative approach! Nothing spells DISASTER more than a website that isn't optimized (fast), easy to navigate, and creates a very inviting, fun, and interesting window into your mission.
Here is the Good News. We no longer have to worry that having a one page website can decrease our chances of getting a high placement in the search engines. It's not about quantity anymore. Its about QUALITY. Yes, you heard that correctly. I really dont need thousands of links or pages to get ranked high and more visitors? Absolutely not. What you do need though is to keep your message on point and synchronize the images, video, and text to a cohesive unit that simply tells your audience EXACTLY what your mission is. This is where a one page site can have amazing benefits and keep the creativity very high as well! A one page site is not exactly a new trend and it has been building more for the last 5 years. The search engines DO NOT penalize for these types of sites and, in fact, give a one page site that is built and structured correctly just as good or better a chance to get a high ranking than a huge 500 page corporate site. So why then shouldn't we all start taking the one page site seriously! Maybe its a trend we cant break yet? Maybe some are scared it wont be enough? Maybe its too simple! Less is more, right?
At Justin Jenkins Designs, we see an opportunity here for many small and large business owners, artists, musicians, product offerings, marketing pages, and many other faces in the crowd looking to stand out in a creative and simplified way!
With many tools at the disposal of website designers, condensing products into retractable windows (think accordions), and using space to maximum efficiency, the growing importance of responsiveness suggests many important develops around space constraints and utilizing such features as the accordion drop downs. Creativity becomes a huge factor in this harmonization of the elements and can make or break a website design.
These are just some of the important benefits of a ONE PAGE WEBSITE:
A. Easy navigation for visitors - No more external pages and multiple clicks.
B. Simplify your message and mission - one page forces you to get rid of clutter.
C. Compartmentalizes your business - A natural flow down the page creates clarity.
D. Balance between Visuals and Text - High definition images dont clash with text.
E. Simple and Clean - visitors will love the smooth flow of info. and experience.
F. Creativity over Quantity - Sometimes creativity and beauty get lost in a huge website.
G. Great for Responsive Design - A 1 page site can be a work of art for mobile viewing
I want to conclude by saying a ONE PAGE WEB DESIGN is not for everyone. But it should be. Its easier on the brain; easier to navigate; leaves room for a lasting impression; doesn't overwhelm your visitors. It can be a work of art if designed correctly. In fact, I treat every one page clients one page website design as a work of art that enhances their brand while keeping it simple, yet timeless. The future could be the one pager. Who knows? Mobile phones are demanding more out of the internet and knocking on the door of change for designers all over the world. Could the one page design keep it simple yet become a super creative powerhouse for websites. A website is your window for the world to peek inside. What will they see? A thousand rooms full of lots of furniture? Or a simple , clean, beautiful environment they feel comfortable making themselves home in? Time will tell. Until then, why not jump on this bandwagon and get your own one page site! You deserve to stand out! Visit us here at justinjenkinsdesigns.net
Blog entry by: Design Team Lead Justin Jenkins at Justin Jenkins Designs
Featured image:
MICQUADEVO.COM website design by Justin Jenkins Designs
Designed by:
Justin Jenkins Designs
No extra fees after you pay the flat rate design price. I provide unlimited color & font changes throughout the design process. Small adjustments are FREE as well. Illustration changes and major changes cost extra.
1st drafts are either approved or we need to start over. 1 design needs to be approved to move forward to phase 2. I provide unlimited phase concepts and will start over if youre not thrilled. 90 percent of all phase 1 concepts lead to a final logo the client loves. Its a "win-win" for me and the client.
The unlimited "WOW" gurantee ensures that I surpass and exceed your expecations. Not only do i want to cpature the feel of your mission and brand, i want you to be proud and excited about the future of your brand! Your logo design is the beginning of something big!
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